Single-Use Medical Device Reprocessing Helps Reduce Amount of Waste Produced in Hospitals and Other Healthcare Facilities
Single-use medical device reprocessing has become a popular way for many hospitals to reduce their waste. Medical devices are not cheap to replace and when they do break down or stop working they have to be thrown away. Some refuse to dispose of them, claiming that it is their responsibility to repair or replace broken equipment. However, there are many costs involved in keeping an aging fleet of units fully operational. Some devices will require expensive repairs every few years. If those costs were shared with the hospital operating room, the money could be used to invest in newer, more profitable equipment.
One way that many hospitals manage their single-use devices is by purchasing them and then turning the units around and selling them. A large device may need refurbishing, and a good portion of those devices will never see the light of day again. Instead of throwing these out, some hospitals donate them to organizations that specialize in the recycling of medical devices. These organizations will carefully refurbish the devices and dispose of them in an environmentally responsible manner. In return for their services, the hospitals receive a tax write-off on the value of the equipment. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.
There are a number of companies that specialize in single-use medical device reprocessing. Many of these companies will even accept and collect returned devices. The hospitals do not have to worry about finding a buyer or selling their unusable devices. The recyclers do all of that. They simply remove the breakable parts, refurbish them, package them, and ship them off.
The best part about single-use medical device reprocessing is the reduced impact on the environment. This is especially important in today’s less environmentally conscious times. When these devices are reprocessed, they are destroyed, but leave behind their broken components, which can be used again if needed. Also, because the components are broken down and recycled, more landfills are not needed. As a result, more pollution is prevented.
Of course, not all single-use devices can be recycled. If a device is to be reused, it needs to be tested for its continued functionality before it is accepted for re-use. But most of the time, all of the usable parts of a device can be salvaged. Also, if a device has any type of unique or specialized components, those components can also be reused. But of course, if a device has to be discarded, that should be done as quickly and thoroughly as possible.
Single use medical devices that are compatible with a single-use medical device reprocessing company’s equipment are very cost effective. In addition, if a company wants to keep costs down, they should consider donating these unwanted or broken devices to reputable organizations instead of selling them.
Single-use medical device reprocessing has been shown to reduce the amount of waste produced by hospitals by up to eighty percent. These results, coupled with the improved patient safety and better waste management, make the cost of disposing of medical devices a more affordable option for facilities nationwide. While facilities are required by law to dispose of medical devices in a responsible manner, they may not always be able to afford to do so. By partnering with experienced, reputable single-use reprocessing companies, facilities can partner with concerned organizations that contribute toward a cleaner environment and healthy workplaces. Not only will these institutions benefit from reduced medical waste disposal costs, they will also realize significant cost savings by avoiding the purchase of new, high-priced devices when they are disposed of through an approved single-use program.